Social Responsibility

The entire C.S.CARGO Group is fully aware of its social responsibility and the importance of including public benefit activities among the basic objectives of its operations. Since its foundation in 1995, we have been working on a number of projects of local and national importance. We create a working environment with opportunities for personal development and career growth for our employees. We follow the C.S.CARGO Ethical Code, which describes the binding rules for business dealings with our suppliers and business partners.

Social Responsibility

Our social responsibility

Foundations and associations | General projects | Sports clubs | Cultural events | Environmental area and certification | Our vision – our mission

Associations and foundations

Association APROPO – Supporting people with intellectual disabilities

Diaklub Nová Paka – Club supporting children with diabetes

Czech SAR Team – A team whose main activity is searching for persons (missing or lost) in the Czech Republic

EUC Endowment Fund – Fund for the development of health professionals


HBC Jičín – Topflight (Extraliga) handball club

Bílí Tygři Liberec – Topflight (Extraliga) ice-hockey team

Czech Rugby Union – Governing body of rugby union in the Czech Republic


ARENA Festival

Jičín Town of Fairy Tales

Regular cooperation with secondary schools and the University of Pardubice

General projects

Project „Driving in the C.S.CARGO team“

Projekt „100 Years of the Republic“ (2018)

Environmental area and certification

C.S.CARGO a.s. is certified according to the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 standards. However, wherever possible, we set procedures and processes beyond those required by these standards. We train our employees at all levels in environmental protection, energy conservation and principles to minimise the negative impacts of their daily work activities.

C.S.CARGO has lorries meeting the EURO 6 and EURO 5 EEV European emission standards. We are gradually adding alternative fuel vehicles such as CNG, LNG or electric vehicles to our fleet.

Social responsibility of C.S.CARGO in the economic area

We create a working environment with opportunities for personal development and career growth for our employees.

We apply methods and evaluation systems directly linked to performance in order to achieve maximum motivation for our employees. We also appreciate their loyalty, thanks to which we have managed to build a stable team of professionals and experts.

We follow the C.S.CARGO Ethical Code, which describes the binding rules for business dealings with our suppliers and business partners. We reject discrimination of any kind, whether in relation to gender, religious or political beliefs, origin, age or sexual orientation.

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